Do you need assistance filling out a welfare benefits form?
If yes, please see the information below.
Social Impact at BPP has a Welfare Benefits Form Filling Clinic. Student volunteers assist individuals who need help filling out benefit claim forms, including for:
We also assist individuals to make Mandatory Reconsideration requests.
In order to access this service please call 0207 633 4344 and leave your name, telephone number and the form you require assistance with on the answerphone.
A Student Assistant will call you to take some details and book you an appointment. Please note that appointments take place by telephone, online or in-person at Hackney Community Law Centre, Hammersmith and Fulham Law Centre or at our BPP Holborn campus. Appointments are usually on Wednesday afternoons between 3-5pm.
If you are looking for assistance with a PIP form, please make sure you have already made a telephone claim to the Department of Work and Pensions (0800 917 2222) and that you have already received your PIP2 form for completion. If the four week deadline for completing the PIP2 form is almost over you can call 0345 850 3322 and ask for an extension.